Just when we don’t feel like we are making progress on behalf of the members… emails show up and members start to notice their progress. Whoops. I guess, like all people, like good parents, ethical CEO’s, facilitators like us, etc., are constantly questioning themselves. Am I pushing too hard? Am I not pushing enough? Should I come over the top and rant? Should I lighten up?
We ask the members to “trust” but as we manifest changes in our own lives we unconsciously expect more speed and faster results.
Ever been in those shoes? Wondering why your 3-minute egg isn’t done already while forgetting that you only dropped it in 30 seconds ago?
Keep your sense of humor folks when it comes to change. Had a couple of moments like that over the past week so I followed my own suggestion and decided to “look back” at something… cut this video and heading in 2011:
Well, don’t you know that between that video [shot in 2010, New Year’s Eve] and April of 2015 was that there we more twists, turns, wins, losses and restarting than you could imagine. And, in 2015 we had a retreat, our first one, right on that property. And we took members to a luau [the winning team] right on that lawn, right on that spot, a matter of fact.
And it, that retreat looked nothing like I thought it would… it was far better. The members who joined our staff, the members themselves via emails and surveys… the Mastermind Alliance made it better… just as Haanel points out in so many ways and so many times. The perfect plan I held in my head just keeps getting better and better. But…
… it sure did not feel that way from the time I shot that video in 2010 until April of 2015. We did not do an MKMMA session the following year.
I held the vision and went to the Sheraton often. That, “where is the progress?” feeling tried to keep getting in… that “who are you kidding?” idea kept trying to root in my mind.
2011… 2012… no online MasterKeyExperience. tick-tock, tick-tock.
Kept going to Sheraton.
Doubt… the law of substitution… doubt… the law of substitution, on and on.
And in my head; “Trust, harmony… doubt, pain, fear.” Breathe. “Law of Substitution you dope! Yeah, that’s it. See it. Fear. Substitution. Members being blown away by the Garden Isle.” Back and forth…
Decision. Made a decision. That decision is that I was understanding harmony within but letting desire be the measure instead of the act. And there it was, all that time… right in lesson 14 of the Master Key System.
14 and Harmony
We’re really good at organized planning for the course… really good at it.
I’d love to tell you we planned this break, Week 14 and New Year’s ~ but it just is one of those things, it just worked out that way.
I love it when that happens, when things fall into place effortlessly, don’t you?
In 14 we read [section 29], If you wish harmonious conditions in your life, you must develop a harmonious mental attitude.
Is there, really, anyone who does not want, at the core of all resolutions people make, harmonious conditions?
I mean, really, isn’t that why people make promises, resolutions if you will, on New Year’s Day?
Think about it.
We all pick things until know the Master Key & Law of Growth stuff, that we think will make us better, easier to deal with, life better… so what? Why? Harmony.
In the end, it is at the core, harmony and happiness [which can’t come without harmony], every resolution is designed, knowingly or not, to bring harmony.
Ever hear of someone making a resolution so it will make relationships or life worse?
Resolutions to create disharmony, fights, pain, and suffering? 🙂
My attitude about creating an environment that is so unique and so powerful that we’d be stating a FACT when we said, #NothingLikeIt… and other’s would say it too and it would be true has never changed. An empirical fact, not an opinion.
Let me have made this mistake for you. While having an intention is imperative we must detach from the result and pay attention to the moment, the tasks of today that will move us to the intention.
What we pay attention to becomes our intention. Detaching from the outcome keeps us open, rich in the flow of ideas… and that, not evaluating, impatiently, yields results.
And…it happened. Yes, the retreat happened but that is not what I mean by “it happened.” What happened?
Harmony within.
And progress began. Measurable progress.
If we are looking at your intention but not paying attention we start measuring results to determine progress. And, if we are not paying attention, in the moment, we miss the ideas, plans, and people that will effortlessly propel us towards the intention.
Intention morning and night… and a few times during the day to refuel our desire and concentration. This, attention to the next right thing with reminders all day long, [shapes, movie trailer, recording], is the only place we need to measure ourselves. Improving our attention to the tasks subby will unconsciously direct us to coupled with a mastermind alliance that keeps one on track with plan and purpose is what manifests intention.
Here is another, short, blast from the past…
So what happened?
We had the retreat, then another one in May of 2016 and June of 2017… and we’ve written over $250,000 in checks to members, affiliates and partners who contributed to the #MasterKeyExperience movement… but that is not important. What is important is the understanding of the insurmountable advantages those paying the price daily have created…that we created for ourselves. They all point to harmony within.
Insurmountable Advantage?
You know you get it… 95% do not know.
One simply cannot give power to things they do not want to get what they want.
200,000,000 [yup, two hundred MILLION]… or more….resolutions made on January 1st that have no chance. No chance. On the other hand, the changes MasterKeyExperience members are making have NO CHANCE of not happening [yeah, a double negative 🙂 ] if we just continue to pay attention and do the drills; doing our best daily.
You cannot quit smoking by thinking about…???… oh, my… you know what is coming next! The resolution makers, even if they read it, would never get it. They have not paid the price MasterKey members have paid ~ real effort to learn how the mechanism works::::> Law of Growth.
Can one quit smoking by thinking about quitting?
Not for long AND, my gosh, the pain while growing the desire.
Do you know this is a foreign language to most people?
This is insurmountable advantage members have earned.
Not over others, of course, but over ourselves.
We no longer make this mistake ~ we know the Law of Growth and what it needs to be linked to.
Advantage 2? You know how to end your day on a success,, Scroll 3.
Advantage 3? A Master Mind Alliance.
Master Key Members started 2020 and a new life on September 27th , 2020. Smart move.
Most people, who had a good idea on how to improve, WAITED till today… not members.
Members took action, daily and made a series of different choices… months ago.
Members will begun a “make-over” that will last 13 weeks and work…
Members learned and practiced the Law of Growth
They’ve sat, taken the time to really think
They’ve studied instead of intentionally distracted themselves with mindless entertainment, video games etc.
They’ve read, looked for shapes, flashed cards…
Members have already “got it” and now they’ve got the benefit of my experience… knowing while intention is critical they’ve also trained their brains to pay attention. And the moment of hesitation between an idea that will advance a true, meaningful purpose and taking action has vanished.
Congratulations to the members… and an invitation to you non-members reading this. Check out their blogs, get to know them and decide for yourself if you’d like to be inspired by your life moving forward.
And to the members? Reading this? You already know that we are what we think about, we manifest the thoughts we hold, charge with feeling and concentrate upon. I’m concentrating daily on meeting you, hugging you and celebrating with you here on Kauai this June at what has now become an annual ritual, The Master Key LIVE Retreat.
mark januszewski
Signing up for the Master Key Experience was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made 🙌
Training is essential to become who we were born to be. Law of growth. We are not animals who come with instincts programmed innately.