Sometimes I just sit in awe. To be in the company of close to 300 kindred spirits who actually “get it. ”
Get what?
There’s about a 7 minute video and most people who come across this post will be drifting sometime around the 3rd to 4th minute… if they even make it that far.
No bells, not whistles, no flashy ‘gamification’ to engage the monkey mind victims of our culture who’ve been taught NOT to think. The “quick fix” know-it-alls. They’ll never understand the wisdom in the 20 points Mr. Hill makes.
They simply are not willing to “pay-the-price” members of the MasterKeyExperience members have each paid with daily effort for the last six months. We earn things, yes, even today in the [wink-wink] information age.
As a culture, most people are drowning in information but dying of thrist for meaning… they just don’t “get it” … Tower of Babel for those geared towards convience, instant gratification; by-products of systems that teach people how to take tests and NOT to think! I so love being around people who are challenging themselves, challenging us and embracing the rigors of thinking for themselves.
The “Get It” thing might seem like being a wise-ass or elitist but it is not. It is sadness for those who have been coerced into the instant gratification addiction
that become more smothering of free will every day. What do the members know? Knowledge does not apply itself. Simple.
The ironic thing is people who “drift” or think this is old stuff or, in most cases, think the list is “way to long” and it’s “not what they are looking for or need”, just never understand that it is exactly what they are lookng for and precisely what they need. Knowldege is NOT power and, again, knowledge does not apply itself.
7 minutes and 20 quick point yield the number 1 treasure of the 12 to 13 riches in life, depending on who is counting the chickens. Truth be told, with this one, the other 11 simply follow…automatically….like clock work.
What I love most about Week 23 in this six month process is the scholars of themselves who have paid the price daily will view this and understand the remarkable power they now have…and how simple it all is.
And, really, if you think you’ve got a great attitude, a PMA, grab the 7 day mental diet and take it….should be easy, right?
What I’d really love is to hear what you believe, from those 20 points, is what you believe is the most important parts to you….hey, we’re all a little different….what do you have “nailed” and where you need to improve?
keep giving to keep growing
mark januszewski
Mahalo for checking out the Master Key Experience
I wholeheartedly believe the Lord gives us free will, and teaches us to battle the evils of this life, that we may receive the blessings He desires for us. Learning to possess the gates of your mind is also scriptural. I’m looking forward to learning how to do that in a much more positive and constructive manner thru The Master Key System.
This is going to be an incredible journey.
Such gratitude for the hands on guidance of our Go90Grow family on this adventure of a lifetime! Love Indiana Jones but wow the views from your knowing eyes when you yourself are the one sitting in the grips of a well worn saddle!!
What I have “nailed” is also the hammer that warns to trip me…. ‘Peace of Mind’, I know that peace…. then lingering relations commence and my nature is to give my ‘Piece of Mind’ to raise them from their woes. Such weight will keep one bound at the bottom of the pits. Awareness and taking responsibility are key that no one invades our journey, only you can wander off. 😊
Been listening to the whole recording where this excerpt is taken from, for the past 90 days, it slowly fell into my subconscious mind. The two envelopes were a very graphic description to me.
So glad you stopped by…. your thoughts?