Big Mahalo to my lovely bride The Fabulous Davene for guest blogging.
1. Negative Thinking – You’re reading it everywhere now from Reader’s Digest to the Costco magazine for crying out loud, thinking negatively will hurt you. A lot!
Not just hurt your mind but your entire live!!! Maybe it’s even killing you.
Now most people just read that and say, “Oh – OK negative thinking is bad.” Then that’s end of the story. You CAN’T JUST STOP THINKING NEGATIVELY!!!!! You have, I have, we all have in some cases decades of thinking the same way and never, ever trying to change it. But there is not doubt that negative thinking will kill your dreams, your joy, your relationships – EVERYTHING!!!
More that anything right now I really, really wish I could just write something here to help you but it won’t work.
Just like all the books you’ve read and the courses you’ve taken and the seminars, the expensive gurus… OMG $8K or something to go to some tropical place and be told, “you can do it rah rah!” Jeez I’ve met so many nice people who have been ripped off so hard. Makes me sad 🙁
Here is a fact! FACT not my idea about it – Here you go pay attention – It takes hard mental labor to change the way you think. That’s just the way it is so I’ll will give you a solution that will work but it takes work. It’s not point to click to happiness, that doesn’t exist. Click here for Master Key Mastermind Alliance Experience.
Go to that site, there’s NOTHING for sale, and check it out. Caveat though – Sorry we don’t start again till September but it’s your very best chance for happiness.
2. Emotions – I know from personal experience the “Tyranny of Emotions”. The biggest thing here, for me anyway, is resentments, anger and sadness. But don’t think other emotions don’t get in the way, they do.
There are situations that have happened to me that I all of a sudden realize I am reliving in my mind. I have to consciously tell myself to stop thinking about that! After reading some scientific information about how the brain works it seems that I may, alot of us may, suffer from PTSD (Post Tramatic Stress Disorder) if any of us were subjected to violent abusive junk in the past.
So I’m not wearing that moniquer and it compelled me to looked and looked for something to help me forgive. Forgiveness is the answer to PTSD BTW. LOL. I found a really cool technique that is working great for me. It’s not easy, simple yes, but it not easy.
Here goes, when one of these resentments, or whatever causes you to “relive” an unpleasant experience in your life or maybe it’s just pops into your mind, imagine a dear loved one. Get that image in your head, feel the love and take a few deep breaths.
Now imagine the thing you have the resentment at and superimpose the image of the your loved one over the resentment. Use your very powerful imagination for your good. Merge these two thing together and breathe deep. Now let go of the resentment part of the image and just feel the love you have for that dear, dear loved one. Just stay with that love for a few breathes and then bask in your own greatness for doing something so marvelous for yourself.
3. Not Breathing – So many of us just don’t breathe enough! Stop now and take a big cleansing breath. Be aware that when you have stopped breathing, I don’t mean completely cause well you know… I mean most people are taking these tiny shallow breaths and that not enough to live and grow. So be aware, especially when something stressful happens. When people are stressed the first thing they do is stop breathing and you need oxygen even more under stress. So breathe!
4. Not Being in Service – A very wise person told me once, “If something really bad happens get into service immediately!” It may be the very best advise I have ever received.
Listen, bad things happen to everyone it’s part of life. There’s loss, pain, tragedy, disappointment for EVERYONE!!! If you have trouble with this, as I do, then when something strikes that is difficult or downright horrible go help someone else. Then watch the unpleasantness melt away. You’ll be much more likely to deal with whatever is happening if you go help someone who needs help just as much as you do.
There you go.
Mahalo & Aloha for reading.

Thinking about that unpleasent conversation, or wrong doing that someone did to me, comes and goes OFTEN.. I am more aware of it now and when I feel my stomach starting to get upset i know that this is just not healthy! Stress can kill you! Doing what you suggested Davene is an awesome idea and I will absolutely do it. I am whole perfect strong powerful loving harmonious and happy!
Until about 6 months ago I thought I understood what it meant to be an “Observer”my how things have changed. I know that we are all surrounded by or exposed to more negativity outside of our immediate environment than probably any other time in history. I also know that with some hard mental effort we can eliminate and destroy the negative thoughts and redirect the energy to benefit the good of the whole.
Fantastic post Davene…I can relate, Old Blueprint, The law of substitution, Haanel, Give more get more…Great tools we’ve learned to utilize here in the MKMMA. Thanks to this training , I now have a clear picture of what I want my life to look like !!
I loved your blog and will practice positioning image of loved one over the stresser. Thanks so much for the tip.
It’s work it’s work OMG it’s work but it is every bit worth the effort put forth to change “stinky” thinking. Thanks to the phenomenal tools, supportive presenters and master guides, as well as the life-changing interactive webinars. Geez, if I’d only known about MKMMA thirty years ago I know I would be where I desired to be, who I desired to be then. But, oh praises go up for the right NOW….yes, cause I made it and I am blessed to have been led to MKMMA. Hasn’t been all rosey rosey, nope along this self-discovery journey because I have been in the ring with some heavy weights….low-self esteem, doubt, confusion, anger but I stood my ground with “the sit”, repeating my Blueprint, DMP, flashing my index cards, 7 day mental diet, reading speaking surrounding myself with only positive. Hecky yeah it’s been work. Even as I type this the o’l sneaky blueprint tries to tap in but like a swashbuckler I whip out my handy blade and with a swish to the left I tear down the buggar. I am so grateful to be a MKMMAer it’s just a blessing. I look at things differently now….I AM in service to myself, to others and it feels great! Thank you, Mahalo
FANTASTIC! Walter and I were talking about the same thing yesterday when picking up the local newspaper. Even the titles of the articles are geared to the negative in order to capture your interest – rather than the positive! We’ve been conditioned so now must realign it for ourselves. Your list is great. Let’s share this philosophy worldwide and then Walter can have his GNN “Good News Network” with actual subscribers!
Hit another home run, Davene! Truly the keys to the kingdom of a life worth living! Mahalo Mucho for sharing from your heart some of your wisdom
Wonderful Davene ! Proper breathing and Positive Thinking (and Meditation, the Sit !) are so important. They connect us to who we really are… And yes, Service, that’s what it’s all about… Thanks so much. You guys are yogis 🙂
Wow, Davene… Powerful technique with the resentment image and dear loved one super imposed… Breathing! And yes, negative thinking creates a world of zombies… Many people living thier lives of quiet desperation. Not US! Thank you for sharing!
Davene, well said! Negativity is a hrd one to conquer and I have to remind myself all the time not to fall into that trap. What a better place this world would be if everyone including the news would be positive.
Wow, Daven, well written and struck a cord deep inside me. To super impose a positive love experience over a deep disappointment. This is a new concept for me.
Love this!!