January 27


Master Key Week 17 HJ…Loving and Hating


As soon as I typed Hero’s Journey the love-hate thing started.  I love talking and writing and looking deeper in the myths…but this damn princple about “not influencing” people in the Master Key Mastermind Experience stops me.

Maybe this once…maybe just a couple tips to help or encourage people…OK, I work it out in my head…it won’t make that much difference, not really…




These word pop into my head too.

I try to argue with myself…finally, laughter.

It’s only my ego, masquerading as being helpful that is at the core of this complusion…which I defeat, I must defeat.

Am I a theif?

Sharing things robs others of their discovery…and, ego again, could be much bigger and more insigthful than mine.    I’ve been reading in Og, I am not a theif…

Telling you we, the Certified Guides and the Staff have agreed…the best influence in the field of self discovery is, of course, no influence.

Can You Hear The Herald?

I stop loving-hating…loving the brave souls who have been Heralded to embark on the Hero’s Journey – THEIR JOURNEY – and instead of hating, my higher self let’s me know we made a great decision…execute it.   I’m laughing now….for sorrow, challenges, defeats and victories are the experience of a life time and I’m laughing at me…the sheer vanity of thinking I could make the greatest adventure of one’s lifetime better., good grief.

So it’s just love.  I love that you are four months into the process and getting ready, like a Monarch, to transform and take flight.

We’ll be sharing a lot of this death-to-life thing from Joseph Campbell over the next two months and if I just keep my hands off it, don’t try to steer anyone’s journey…what will happen is what always happens…the students will become the teachers…and I will learn more, as happens every year…as you transverse your own pathway and share your experience, strength and hope….when you let the “associative memory’s” sense of self die and find your gifts…..only to “return” with your Goodness, Godness….and give it.

It’s really all about freedom…and I’ll let Joe share that with you… I just know “steering” my ideas here prevents it from being yours… welcome to the greatest adventure on the planet…

keep giviing to keep growng


mark januszewski

Mahalo for checking out the Master Key Experience


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Mark J

About the author

Mark is considered a Trainer’s Trainer. Students from 50 states and workshops conducted as far away as Thailand and Germany fostered 54 consecutive sell-outs worldwide in less the 2 years.

Mark’s passion is helping people understand the wealth they seek already lies within them. More importantly all the directions to access and harness this power are freely available.

  • This is tough duty, but someone has to do it…..someone has to have the courage to love people enough to allow them the gift of self-discovery.

    Yes. The Best Influence is NO Influence, and it’s much harder to accomplish than it seems.

    Thank you, Mark J, The FAB Davene, Dayna, Derek, and Trish for setting the bar for the guides as well as the members.

    Mahalo Mucho!!!!

  • Thank you, Mark! You always seem to know exactly what to say and what is needed at any given point. I am ready to fly like the butterfly and soar like the eagle. My heart is filled with love for you, Davene, and all the wonderful guides that help in this process called MKMMA.

  • To be on this journey has thrilled me and as I said in the survey I haven’t always been true to the path but what we have here is something that we will always have and we can improve our life by continuing always to put the exercises into practice. Thank you both Mark and Davene and all the faithful guides for being patient and helpful and especially my guide Lydia Johnson.

    Be happy always as I am.

  • Discover You… with the power of the Master Key… you stay focused… you feel – you shine… you serve so others may live to fulfill their authentic purpose in life… their journey… the hero steps forward!

  • Darren Neilson MKMMA says:

    Myth are clues, WOW what a huge insight!
    Thxz for sharing BeBlessed

  • Stephen Serna says:

    Thanks for the Love and Inspiration…Like the Monarch I am ready to transform and take flight…Peace & Blessings.

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