Americans are tough…and it’s not their fault.
What do I mean, “they’re tough”?
The instant grartification thing. Somehow, between the late ’70’s and today…that pride in effort…the willingness to “earn it” … so prevalent in the “Last Great Generation” has almost vanished. [And, I might add, this “instant gratification” and “fast, easy & entitled to benefits of labor without labor” is spreading to all four corners of the world quickly]
It’s the “almost” that I’ve bet my career on. I really believe the conditioning of the government, TV…that interwebbie thing….has forged this attitude that if it’s going to take some time and effort…..fuggethaboutit….the “it’s hard daddy, help me” kicks in.
Turns out I made a great bet. Turns out there are still people who “get it”. They know that greatness and achievement is not only worth massive effort….the effort itself is as wonderful as the achievement. I bet my career on the ingerity of adults and I’m glad I did.
Last year’s Master Key Experience gave us the honor of watching over 150 people complete this challenging course….like nothing you’ve ever experienced. And wonderful stories and achievements keep pouring is…as people have learned “how to” create change..within themselves….and that creates change in the circumstances.
So you’re probably here to check it out a little bit….and that’s great….watch this video, the course doesn’t even begin for a few months….you and I both know, really, or you wouldn’t be here or read this far….that for things to change, we’ve got to change.
There is no “magic pill”
There is no “Secret” to success
And, yes, we scholarshipped over 330 people last year….so you’re not going to be pitched. Well, you are going to be pitched, let me check that…..pitched to investigate those who came before you…no one is asking for money….in the fall, if you like what you hear, we’ll pitch you hard for a commitment to 6 months of work, real work….challenging work.
Want on the early release list and the science as to why resolutions never work? Great click here. It says we are full….but we’ll open in the fall
Our staff of guides can be found above or click here and you can ready about their journey of change….
They moved from fearful victims to fearless victors…As equally wonderful is this group of Hero’s and over 150 stories…..follow one or two for 26 weeks… sure beats viewing dopey videos on YouTube….these are real people who dug deep and found their gifts and purpose…..right here
Keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Just get on the list….it’s pretty simple really….all you have to do is watch the videos in September and do a couple things…really easy, like buying 300 index cards, a couple books at Amazon…not much to it EXCEPT all the requirements must be met [the little stuff] before you apply… nothing to concern yourself about, you’ll probably spend about 25 bucks on supplies you’ll need then filling out the application….maintaining is doing the work daily…that’s it
I have been wanted to take the course and the challenge. Where do I sign up?
The link you have on the blogroll for me is the old site. The new one is
I’ve been fortunate to have completed the Master Key Experience and I have to share with everyone what a truly great experience it has been and still is for me. Mark’s not kidding when he tells you to expect 6 months of hard work. Changing your old blueprint to reflect your desired outcome is a challenge, but in reality you are making an investment in yourself that lasts a lifetime.
I can’t wait. I have been trying for months now to break through the $1000 per month barrier. After 2 years of unemployment things have really been rough and like so many others I have had no real immediate upline support. My immediate upline is just a product seller not a business builder.