May 22


Week 24: I’m Feeling “Ferklempt” ~ Renee Shatanoff

MKMMA is not an ending but a beginning. Discuss!

One of my favorite Saturday Night Live skits was “Coffee Talk with Linda Richman.” As played by Mike Myers, she was “over the top, brash, outspoken, honest, loving, warm-hearted, and just plain funny.” She made me think. That’s what I adored about the character. This is what I adore about MKMMA. I think. I’m a SELF-DIRECTED THINKER…and so much more. Six months ago I began a journey by taking a leap of faith. Six months later I received the greatest gift of all…I found “me”….the “whole, healthy, perfect, strong, loving, harmonious, and happy” person who was always inside.



The program has ended but the adventure continues. From my “Dharma” to my “Blueprint” to my “Promises” to my “Compound Complex Progression” to “Stacking the Deck” to the “Mind Gym” to my “Movie Poster” to my “Press Release” to the “Gal in the Glass” to “Sitting” to “Service” to “Haanel” to “Giving and Receiving” to “Observing” to “Zipping the Lip – No Opinions” to my “True North Compass” to “Combinations” to “Mastermind” to “Alliances” to “Og Mandino” to “Blue Rectangles, Red Circles, Green Triangles, Yellow Squares,” to my “PPN’s,” to my fellow “MKMMA’ers,” and to those 3×5 Index Cards with colored pencils, I have the foundation, education, skills, and tools I need to live in harmony with the Universe.



I feel connected with people I’ve never met in person. Mark J, the Fabulous Davene, Trish the Dish, Too Hot to Handle Heather, and Dynamite Dayna have accomplished what 99.9% of online programs haven’t, and that is to bring people together on a deeper level. Through masterminding, blogging, tweeting, and webinars, I had the honor of associating with amazing, incredible, and fantastic people I never would have met otherwise.


I thank you one and all for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful experience. It’s never goodbye but so long for now.

“Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”
― Og Mandino



To read more from Renee Click Here


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Mark J

About the author

Mark is considered a Trainer’s Trainer. Students from 50 states and workshops conducted as far away as Thailand and Germany fostered 54 consecutive sell-outs worldwide in less the 2 years.

Mark’s passion is helping people understand the wealth they seek already lies within them. More importantly all the directions to access and harness this power are freely available.

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