March 30


Master Key Mastermind Alliance Week 19 – You Have the Power, Guest Blogger Don Ketterhagen

This power is the creative thought of the mind when it is in harmony with God.  We are reminded once again of Emerson and the law of compensation because for the creation of our new reality is so dependent on our giving more to get more that it almost goes without saying.

Smiling, joy, and happiness will be ours if we give it away.  The Universal mind will replace what we’ve given with what we need in accordance with His desires.  We must know that some of the thoughts we grew up with probably are echoes of this chapter.  How often have we been told to put our hearts into the task at hand.  This really is the giving away of our efforts and the rewards are in the return of abundant quantities of what we give away.  It’s almost like saying that if you want wealth you must give wealth away.  Not all of it, of course, but in heart and in the spirit of joy.

The physical manifestation occurs because we are making progress with the energy that this creates.  The energy produces the vibration which causes the back and forth of the things attracted to this energy.  So we’ve been concentrating this week on our power to do this.  Literally create the energy which is the life that is planted in the inert and physical world.  From that energy, like a seed, and with the conditions being ideal, then the thing we desire will appear.

Simultaneously we are also realizing that our time to do this is limited and we are making this the best day of our remaining lives.  Get to it.  You have the power.

For more info about Don and to read his blog CLICK HERE


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Mark J

About the author

Mark is considered a Trainer’s Trainer. Students from 50 states and workshops conducted as far away as Thailand and Germany fostered 54 consecutive sell-outs worldwide in less the 2 years.

Mark’s passion is helping people understand the wealth they seek already lies within them. More importantly all the directions to access and harness this power are freely available.

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