Have you ever noticed when you go through a change or change things up, things just get twisted up just before the breakthrough? I always visualize a Gumby twisted at the waist before the legs whip around to follow where the head is leading.
It is right there between the old way and the new way, that the body does it most vicious battle and causes the person involved to experience some depression, doubt, and a sense of vulnerability.
I have learned that when I experience this sense of internal conflict, I am on the verge of change. Yes, the process is working and I will accept it as my new me. I Believe!
“What things soever ye desire, when you pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Mark 11:24
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
“All truth is the same, whether stated in modern scientific terms or in the language of apostolic times.” MK 11.23
So what does the creative power of thought consist? It consists in creating ideas, and these in turn objectify themselves by appropriating, inventing, observing, discerning, discovering, analyzing, ruling, governing, combining, and applying matter and force. It can do this because it is an intelligent creative power. MK 11.30
Now we must put our knowledge into practice. Nothing can be accomplished in any other way. It is now important to give out thoughts of courage, inspiration, health, or any kind of help which in turn will set in motion the return effect. This is the Law of Attraction.
….”A happy thought cannot exist in an unhappy consciousness; therefore the consciousness must change, and, as the consciousness changes, all conditions necessary to meet the changed consciousness gradually change, in order to meet the requirements of the new situation.” MK 13.24
“Thought will bring about conditions in correspondence with the predominant mental attitude.” MK 13.16
When I leap for joy, my twisted waist swings my legs around to face the direction I intend to go. Now my body is in line with my mental focus which allows my spiritual core to flow in creativity in becoming part of a whole in happiness and harmony.
Gumby is ATTITUDE Gumby is a ACTION Gumby is RESULTS Gumby LEARNES
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