March 30


Master Key Mastermind Alliance Week 12 Self Confidence – Guest Blogger Alice Eubank

TamowskiThis week we have been asked to write down 30 or more things we have done, accomplished, or experienced in our lives.  They can be as simple as shoveling snow.  We are to put tth-16hese on index cards and flash through them at different times of the day.

At first I thought that I would never come up with 30 things that would have meaning but as I began to write these cards more things came to mind.  It became a fun adventure and I was blown away at some of the things that have been a part of my experience.

We are also to add some cards with affirmations.

As I have considered these things and flashed through the cards I find my self-confidence building. I also feel better about my ability to succeed in future ventures.

Thank you Mark J for this great tool!


For more information about Alice and to read her blogs CLICK HERE


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Mark J

About the author

Mark is considered a Trainer’s Trainer. Students from 50 states and workshops conducted as far away as Thailand and Germany fostered 54 consecutive sell-outs worldwide in less the 2 years.

Mark’s passion is helping people understand the wealth they seek already lies within them. More importantly all the directions to access and harness this power are freely available.

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