There is tremendous pain and relief in knowing the choices I am are pretermined, for real, by what we affectionately call ‘the blueprint.’
Peptides: Naughty or Nice?Coping with the idea that not only are all the choices I make made about 4-6 seconds before my conscious mind knows the decision is made….is, well, bewildering.
No free will……..
Is this good news or is it bad news?
I guess it depends on a few things….
- Mood
- Ego
- Responsibility
- Forgiving
- Forgetting
- Fear
- Faith…..
Well, the list is endless, isn’t it?
The hard reality the stunning science behind the ‘blueprint’ idea is a thrill of a lifetime if I can lay my ego down and, here’s the biggie, comprehend, on some level, that my initial reaction is also ‘predetermined’ …..YIKES!
There is nothing in the Master Key Mastermind Alliance Experience that has been debated longer and debated with as much spirit…….as to when to introduce this mindbending, liberating, terrifying and exhilirating information.
It was never a question of ‘if’ but always when.
Lesson 4 of the Master Key System is, in and of itself, so intense…that the debate was …..too much in this week vs. the conclusion that the creator is within…..hmmmm
Will it blow people away?
Is that a good thing?
Is that a not good thing?
Maybe both?
In a nutshell, our cells……are addicted…to peptides released in massive quatities when we have a feeling…any feeling …the peptides we produce are linked to directly to feelings….a specific peptide for each feeling….and since the cells are addicted, even behaviors we want to modify, and sometimes do modify for a few days really have no chance to stick if the behavoirs interrupt the addiction.
This is why resolutions never work…..sooner or later the cells demand, [think addicition], for a particular peptide sends stronger and stronger messages to the brain….and the subby, that mysterious source that never sleeps…has us unconsciously making decisions that will create scenarios…..that trigger actions…..that will make us act contray to the behavior modification….and bang, they get their “fix.’
Those naughty little peptides…
Here’s the proof….
Change…..go for it ….
That is the choice, isn’t it?
Master Key Lesson 4.5: The greatest and most marvelous power which this “I” has been given is the power to think, but few people know how to think constructively, or correctly, consequently they achieve only indifferent results. Most people allow their thoughts to dwell on selfish purposes, the inevitable result of an infantile mind. When a mind becomes mature, it understands that the germ of defeat is in every selfish thought.
And there it is…..for me….the liberty. The “I” can think.
For me it was understanding that I was just beginning to learn to think….and, if, with effort I could learn to think from the “I” it would be possible to create a new, clear reality ….the trick was ….how do I drive it into the subby?…..and create new peptides?….and get the cells additiced to peptides of my choice instead of defaulting to my addiction
If I wanted peptides for joy, liberty….harmony….peace of mind…..if I identified a vision that would trigger positive peptides and reinforced them, with triggers that keep them, on several levels within my consciousness, change would be not just possible, it would be a done deal.
That ol’ blueprint wants it’s fix and is cunning, like any addictBut time….and the emotional and business and physical enrironments I live in made this a challenge…..wiat, was that the old blueprint rationalizing……OK, now I can see how complicated this is……or is it?
Is that the old blueprint too?
BAM! Yes….I realized I was addicted to, among other things…using ‘time’ as an excuse to trigger feelings that would produce peptides. A NON-JUDGEMENTAL look at my ‘pattern’ would, if I was honest…and asked the 2 honest-with-me friends I had to verify and or expand on my findings.
Here was my pattern, one of many.
I would get a good idea…from someone, something I read….and use ‘time’ …not having the time to do it….to feel like a victim and that great phrase, which my friend verified…came rolling off my lips….
The phrase? “If only….’
If only I had the time….
If only I had the money
If only I had saved more money…
If only I had the disipline….
I wanted to use MY LIFE as an excuse for my life?
Holy Batman.
Those 2 friends laughed and said, “YES! You are constantly using the phrase ‘if only'”
And, oddly enough, I’m reading the solution every day….
It is in ‘the sit’
The ‘sit’ and quieting the mind, for me, was probably not going to be enough….whoops, old blueprint.
The trail of thought leads me to another truth about me … me……not trying and doing because of the fear….”what if I do this and it doesn’t work for me?”
And Haanel shatters that notion…..”it requires work, hard mental labor that so many are unwilling to do.”
The sit, while in a sit one day…..reveals the solution. It is in the sit, not just sitting to sit, to “do the exercise” but to really concentrate…..and I really sucked at it.
The “Sit”? WIll it pay off for me?Those naughty old-blueprint cell addicted peptides kept telling me it wouldn’t work for me….and I did not have the time…..
BAM! I read and begin affirming…..I can be what I will to be.
Is it possible I am addicted to including myself in the ‘most people’ Throreau identified……”Most people live lives of quiet desperation?”
Then, out of the blue…..divine inspiration…..something fighting to make itself known in the subby…..prayer….luck…..who cares…..I surrender and remember something from my days in college, where I was an English major……..and, the subby never forgets…..funny how it happened.
I keep thinking….too hard….
BABBIT pops into my head…
“Clear the mechanism!” I demand of myself.
Voice says “BABBIT”
“Clear the mechanism!” I yell.
Quiet the mind… I had been practicing….
I’m pissed.
So I give up….listen to the voice and the last line of Babbit pops into my head……
All those years if pondering “most people live lives of quiet desperation” …was me, was Babbit.
And the peptides were not ‘naughty’ …..I had created them…..
And since I had created them……I could create new ones!
It only required 2 things……if Haanel was correct. If I did these 2 things…..the methods, [which some of you now know, Index cards, Og, shapes] would appear…..
The 2 things?
I had to do these 2 things or default to what I had.
I needed something stronger.
Drive that new blueprint with a clear vision and FEELINGSAre some peptides stronger?
My feeling needed to be stronger……deeper, intense….
The 2 things?
1. Decide what I want….not the person who had been conditioned but the “I”….what did my authenic self want?
2. The sit. I knew genius would reveal itself in the sit. Not me being the genius…..but the genius of ideas that would provide the methods……the pathyway to bliss…
So……who is your authentic self and what do you want?
Who knew that all those years I was telling my 3 English Setters to ‘sit’ I was repeating the one word I needed to hear. Go figure……
mark januszewski
Follow Your Bliss
Awesome article, great information to have.
And thank you Jim for the trust, effort and kindness you spread daily in the mastermind….dazzling
Keep giving to keep growing
mark j
BAM! Dead center Don, dead center…..Love that “put on the brakes”…..
Keep giving to keep growing
mark j
WOW…..great share…..are we twins that were seperated at birth?
Keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mark, I felt like I was looking through my eyes as you wrote this. I hear the same thoughts in my head, the same concerns. Interesting, I have had many grand ideas but never executed them for one reason or another, usually time.
I find myself now sitting here feeling over run with thoughts and emotions but more than anything hope. For if one can do it another can. And to know one had so much of a similar struggle gives the others more hope.
Thank you for your thoughts on week 4.
I was taught ADIO (Above, Down, Inside, Out) That is how we see the world in Chiropractic. From the Universal down to the Innate then Out into the world. We are all part of the Universal and the Innate is the a small part of the Universal in each of us.
From the bottom of my heart… thank you for this post.
Those two things are so key. What do you (the I inside the body and mind) really want? That tends to evolve as you gain control of the body and the mind by the sitting exercise. In our automatic lives governed by habit we need to put on the brakes, establish our direction and that will only happen when we take the time. A time out that works so well with children. Our subconscious mind needs a time out. Take it and let the peptides in there reprogram the I inside.