When putting the Master Key Mastermind Alliance together we masterminded often about how to improve the experience. I knew that the conversation….after platforms, workbooks configurations and looking at previous surverys from former members we examined would eventually come down to first hand experience.
Time, Cards, DMP, Dharma….I Felt Like a Juggler
“You know how you are,” quipped The Fabulous Davene, “you’ll keep adding ideas without having a real measure of what it really will take time-wise.”
I start “but…” Interruption. Appropriate interuption.
“You can’t add things in, all those things, that you’ve been doing for a while.”
“STOP!” she yells. “I know, I know. ‘Yes they can‘ is what you are going to say and we both know you are right but I don’t think you remember what it’s like in the very beginning.”
“The content?” I ask sheepishly.
“Yes my darling. Some exercises are great. Tell you what. You do it with them, everything, then ask them later if they feel they could have handled more right out of the starting gate.”
And, I do remember. OK, I didn’t remember but a 10 minute sit reminded me, clearly, how I felt. Like a juggler.
I know that learning new ideas is one thing but learning ideas that turn around, especially with result driven, meassuring people…..everything we’ve been conditioned to believe…, well, a juggling act.
What I know is that practice makes perfect habits…..the trick is practicing the correct things. And we’ve all been conditioned to practice, pretty much, the wrong things when it comes to
thinking. I thought it was really interesting that on most early calls the members struggle with letting go of both the ideas of results and plans. The pied-piping architects, govenments,
Thinking for ourselves disrupts things but it sure beats letting others do itschools, etc., for decades have told us we must have a plan….not really a good or bad thing……but a plan for our life? At 18? And, of course, we’re kids who want to be grown-ups… we ‘buy in’……and spend years ‘practicing’ and ‘prefecting’ this habit of not thinking for ourselves…..believing, of course, if we follow this plan….work till 65, buy a house, have kids….we are ‘normal’……we never question is that ‘normal’ is good……or if we even want to be it….and we end up competing is a game that, be what it may be, is, at it’s very core…..encourages and reinforces NOT thinking for ourselves.
Then came, for me, as I was juggling the idea of hanging on to ‘some’ stuff my mind was loyal to while learning new stuff…..blessed week 3 and Van Morrison.
Really, why was I hanging on to so hard….what thoughts, [you know, competing, results, action, goals, don’t quit etc.] was defending so much despite knowing my life was no what I wanted…..not what I had hoped for…..and I’m not talking about money or stuff here…..I’m just talking about being happy. Thoreau’s message that ‘most people live lives of quiet desperation’ was truer by the day.
Where was the adventure?
Where was the optomism?
Where was the swagger?
Where had the willingness to take a risk gone?
So I’m listening to Van Morrison’s “And It Stoned Me” …..and a line pops out…..’we saw the man from across the road with the sunshine in his eyes‘
On a cassette tape.
….the sunshine in his eyesI rewind it.
I start speeding home…..something I never do. Speed never appealed to me….at least with cars anyway. Speed of thought? BIG FAN. Cars? Nope.
I crack open the lesson I am on…..3…….BAM! There it is!
I weep. I did a lot of weeping …..the discoveries just, well, ‘stoned me.’ OK, I still do a lot of weeping…..feels good to be overwhelmed with awareness….a simple ‘clue’ could drive me to my knees….anyway…..I crack open lesson 3…..and the Master Teacher’s words are piercing my soul is a glorius way…..”You are the light of the world.’
3:5 The Solar Plexus has been likened to the sun of the body, because it is a central point of distribution for the energy which the body is constantly generating. This energy is very real energy, and this sun is a very real sun, and the energy is being distributed by very real nerves to all parts of the body, and is thrown off in an atmosphere which envelopes the body.
3:13 It is evident, therefore, that all we have to do is let our light shine; the more energy we can radiate, the more rapidly shall we be enabled to transmute undesirable conditions into sources of pleasure and profit. The important question, then, is how to let this light shine; how to generate this energy?
Van Morrison jumps back into brain……’the man with the sunshine in his eyes’
The release from fear is not to be missed emotionallyBAM! Weeping. All the reading of the cards, the shapes…..the masterminding, trying to be sure about my PPNS…..pays off in one glorious mement…of truth.
I know. I realize, for me, that day…..Van Morrison’s single line I kept listening to over and over was the ‘call to action’ from within. What if, I think, the sunshine was pouring out if his eyes!
More weeping and it all comes together is the second part of 3:22 – What, then, is the most natural way of making the desired impression? Mentally concentrate on the object of your desire; when you are concentrating you are impressing the subconscious
And suddenly all the juggling I had created to try an impress my subconscious mind was not only ‘worth it’ ….it was kenetic!
Me? The light of the world? That would be the normal response of the guy I had been…..doubt, fear, ego….whatever…..
I know that the Master Teacher spoke of the world often in terms of those around us, the entire planet.
I decide, that day…..I want to be the man with the sunshine in his eyes, that all in my presence feel safe, valued and treasured.
I found my dharma… humbles me while simutaneously giving me confidence.
I hunger for the work, the work of learning more about this remarkable mechanism between our ears….and how to use it….for manifest dharma…..and I find my passion in the process….and optomism, willingness to take risks again……
I find my dharmaI am “back to the furture”… a 10 year old….vitalized and unconcerned about 4 years from now or 20 years from now.
Simply put, I am in the now….loving the exercises, disorganization vanishes, chores shift to service and I know, really know that I don’t know what is going to happen but that the purpose is pure and good and good things, better and bigger than I can imagine are there….
…..and suddenly, really, I no longer think about moving into the unknown but wake up, ‘with a vitality I have never known before’ with certainty that in the uncertainty of the day there will be discovery, adventure and if…..if I pay attention, a chance to serve.
mark januszewski
world’s laziest networker
Doing it with you?
I wouldn’t want to miss being carried along by so many great minds
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
It just register with me tonight that you have a blog with this class and are doing the same thing we are doing. What teacher/mentor does this?!!! Only the best!
Your light definitely shines bright! Thank you!
Ah…..what a great word, Nobility…purrrr-fect 🙂
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
I disagree….you are healing Anna Ray….that damn sense of humor of your is most remarkable and so it the magnifcent power is has.
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Most excellent….getting past the ‘back in school’ thing…..and over the ‘microwave’ conditioning… HUGE
So thrilled you are seeing progress….
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
So cool to be connected Lydia…..everyday….Tower of Pisa baby, it’s how I start my day
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
BAM!Great song…I am a super big fan of the Van man. Never heard those words that way before and you have made me wonder about so many other great songs and artists that have shared meaningful insights when I just thought it was a great song or verse.
Mark besides this being such an incredible journey, you add such a personal depth to it that it hits home in so many ways so often. Thank you thank you thank you!
Great post, at the start of the master key course I felt overwhelmed but I am doing great and things are constantly improving.
Thanks for taking us on this journey Mark. I do my best to be the woman with sunshine in her eyes. I’ll have to look up that song
I just want to add; that was a while ago during my development, when I briefly met the conditions to be a ‘healer’. Not working in that modality now, but will always remember some of the experiences.
You are meeting the conditions, fit for purpose … you receive no less than you align with. I was privileged to connect with a dog 3000 miles away who told me through her noble heart energy why she was sick (taking on owner’s stuff in an act of service). It was of great help and solace to her owner, who had the good grace to accept the lesson she was teaching him. She was a very elegant Dobermann, polite but had never taken much notice of me before. When I returned to London and visited her owner, she came to my side and refused to leave me. She made a point of it with her quiet persistence. Was I flattered? No – this was her act of service to me, what a gracious and humbling lesson. She never stopped giving. Such nobility.
Aloha Berta……
One of the coolest things that happened after that decision….was that animals, who I always loved….and was very comfortable around……jumped to a different place…..The Fab likes to say ‘they snese your innate goodness’ ….whatever it was…..the gift jumped 10 notches….none of them leave me alone….and, I LOVE IT.
I think what you do is remarkable and a remarkable gift….clearly, you are a kindered spirit and trust me, the sunshine just pours out of you in the form of kindness, comfort and consideration…
keep giving to keep growing
mark j