In the land of the blind a one-eyed man is king.
Yeah, it’s graphic but it’s something much more to those immersing themselves in the Haanel’s Master Key System …..and doing the work in the Master Key Master Mind Alliance course.
The leadership tips and leadership attritbutes we’re all discovering as a group are numbing and freeing at the same time.
Most newbies in networking quickly find the Internet…..and, thinking it’s a short cut……the interlopers find them.
And since these bottom feeding grifters all pitch the same thing…..leads, leads, leads……prospects, prospects, prospects…….most people end up trying to evaluate which ‘system’ out there is the best.
MKMMA [Master Key Master Mind Alliance] members know better……
It’s so clear…..once one knows the truth……
Prospects do not drive businesses…….distributors do.
Educated, skilled distributors drive businesses, not prospects.
This makes you, once you know this and know a couple of simple skills, a one eyed man in the land of the blind.
We know the second biggest lie in networking is ‘people don’t duplicate, systems to’……a myth perpetuated by people who want to sell systems.
Skills, taught hands on will improve everyone and the 3-deep pattern has been proven to be the only thing that, in fact does duplicate.
We hear this and see this with great networkers like Rob Kenyon, a master at teaching skills and Doug Karnuth…..who teaches with patience and precision. Their blogs reflect some very interesting and profound leadership attirbutes.
It’s brilliant stuff but that is not really what is separating Doug and Rob from the pack of MLMers out that…….the difference is they know that it’s NOT about how many prospects they enroll ~ it’s what they teach the people they enroll …..the hands on skills are the deal……not systems and leads and generic mentoring. They get it.
They are both kings in the sea of blinded, [by the internet gurus who sell ‘secrets’], newbies.
Rob and Doug know that there are no secrets ……never has been……..and no one needs to pay someone 400 bucks an hour to get coached.
They know that the ‘blind’ are led to places online that claim things like ‘what your upline doesn’t want you to know’…….what bullshit…..and, sadly, some people actually believe it and send these clowns money.
Kings……yes sir…..when you know the truth and help people learn what was freely given to you……you’ve placed yourself in the top 2% ……and become a lamp for others.
Yesterday I got 3…..not 1 …..or 2…….but 3 of the stupidest emails I have ever read……I cannot believe people that think this crap up actually sleep at night with any peace of mind at all…….you can check out my spin on them here.
Anyway……the question is not what successful human beings and successful people like the Doug’s or Rob’s teach….but how they got there.
Ah, the game changer for me years ago…….
The dot……
The dash……
The dash………..deciding to make that dash on your tombstone explosive, memorable……is wrapped up in Og’s Scroll 5 and living each say as it it was your last.
The dot…..blocks the dash……
Thanks for all the direct emails and comments…….here’s another version and how to acceclerate the process of getting off the dot and living………truly living a dash…..second to none.
Do you see how this makes you a one-eyed king in the land of the blind?
Sure glad to be in this class with all of you.
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mark januszewski