February 15


Week 19 Master Key ~ ‘aha’ …..and a tiny bit more to Improve Yourself


Self doubt really sucks, eh?

And without a systematic way to improve yourself….myself…..any-one’s self, it gets worse.


This inter-webbie thing.  It’s 50x worse than TV for effecting your spirit, your self image.

If you just look around for a few minutes …….you can quickly feel……like…..

Everyone is making ga-zillions…..except me

Everyone is a mega-expert….except me

Everyone is skinny, rich, having fun and making money with no effort at all…..except, me.

Pitchmen……gotta love ’em…….but Master Key Masters know better

Time for a couple of ‘aha’ moments, don’t ya think?  By the way, Rich O’Brien’s heady spin on ‘aha’ moments is a quick must read.

EASY AS 1-2-3

1. Yes it will happen for each person who learns to focus, who follows directions.  The 15 minutes plus of silence daily, after filling the mind with higher ideas, ideals if you will……is simply not enough but it is a great start.

2. The exercises we have, all….really…..around your DMP will make all the difference in the world and put one in-line with Haanel’s mandate…..that thinking negative thoughts 23 hours and 45 minutes a day then thinking postive for 15 will change nothing.  The exercises, the Master Key Master Mind Alliance exercises couple with Og Mandino’s suggestions and Haanel’s Master Key guide lines for the week …..will help, as Rich O’Brien points out…..intuition….the right type to be a ‘visitor’ that helps calm us and enlighten us…..give us the ‘aha’ moment.

3. Manners.  We are taught by Haanel and Mandino to hone our manners……so this guest returns….often………because it feels honored and respected.


Got an email recently……someone peddling some crap……who had…..in 18 months personally sponsored 13,000 people.

That would be hard to do in one of those stupid free sign-up deals…..emailed and asked how much the enrollment was and couple you provide proof?

Needless to say…..no response.

People who do not study and raise their level of thought feel stupid…..come on, 13,000…give me a break….

See, the outrageous claims and slick writing ….. more on this one in my other blog tomorrow…..is exactly and precisely that when you are tuned it.

Most people are not……so sad……

Master Key Master Mind Alliance partners have a real chance if we just stay with the 1-2-3 drill.

Our willingness is a direct indicator as to whether or not we will ‘get it’….


This power to alter your thought and by extension your destiny was so beautifully illustrated by Success Coach Kathy Zimmer on Sunday’s webcast.

Kathy stated, “Our belief’s determine our behavior.

Clear, eh?

Dovetailed beautifully with Diane Norris profound point after point regarding leadership and the time to lead is now…..linking these 2 leaders and idea makes it clear that people in this Master Mind have the power to read through the hype and lies…..set in motion with one purpose…..to make you feel bad so you’ll spend money.   Diane sure made it clear no one follows a parked car.

The power that let’s you invite divine intellegence is really you choice and this power to create a plan and succeed is already with each of us…..

We simply have to cultivate it ….improve our manners so it returns more and more often…..and give it away as often as we can.

It is within this act……this simple act of trust of helping others …..that it continues to return in larger chunks.


Well, the Universal Mind is going to look for the pipe line it can create the most good through for the most amount of people.

You already have “it” and you already have the exercises so that you can keep the ideal in the front of your mind all day long…….and for those who’ve been faithful for 20 or so weeks now to the Master Key Master Mind, clearly….we all know the value of that and that false values cannot seep into minds having and holding ideals.

It’s a simple formula ……focus, concentrate …..practice and you get better at the head part and a couple of simple skills……

Once we know what to say and what to do……in our mind……and with out mouth……we can help others

And that, really, is money.


mark januszewski

world’s laziest networker


mark januszewski, Master Key, Master Key Master Mind Alliance

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Mark J

About the author

Mark is considered a Trainer’s Trainer. Students from 50 states and workshops conducted as far away as Thailand and Germany fostered 54 consecutive sell-outs worldwide in less the 2 years.

Mark’s passion is helping people understand the wealth they seek already lies within them. More importantly all the directions to access and harness this power are freely available.

  • You really do have the gift of encouragement. Thanks buddy.

  • Nancy DelRossi says:

    Okay, I have to admit, the beginning of the blog made me think you were talking about me, but even thou I may feel like all of those examples you gave, I find myself having aha moments all day long because of my 20 week commitment I have made to the MKMMA. I know I have what it takes to be the person that is inside of me screaming to be let free. The Master Key System has given me the skills to put up my guard and protect the person who is being created. The Master Keys has become my shield. It has also given me the courage to travel down the road of the Heroes Journey.

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