January 15


Week 16 Master Key System ~ Is Nature’s Greatest Miracle Really A Flasher?


So people hold it in their hands, the Key to the Kingdom, the map to wealth in all 13 areas of a person’s life…..and they just don’t follow the directions, not all of them anyway.


Why is it so hard to get it?

Is it a complex program for simple people?

Is it a simple program for complex people?

My experience has taught me those questions, no matter how they are framed, are all rooted in the same place……sloth.


The endless discussions to solve this ‘riddle’ is like the ‘old shell game’ …..you know…..which of the 3 cups is the ball under.


The bigger question is why do people spend more time distracting themselves than it would to do the work.



Philosophical differences with the material?

Spiritual difference with material?

And there we go again, distracting ourselves.


In the past week alone over a dozen folks have contacted us about the Master Key System course.

Interesting is 11 of them decided NOT to apply for a scholarship, they were going to do it on their own.

It did not work out but they did all discover wisdom in the Master Key and want help……the conversations and emails clearly indicated frustration at not being able to do what the members of the Master Key Master Mind Alliance have been able to do……stick with it.   Don’t think for a second the blogs are not making a huge impact.

On a huge number of people?

Not yet, but it’s growing.

That’s not as important as the depth of the impact…..on an individual.

They now know, on some level, the power of an authentic Master Mind Alliance.

And I wonder, really wonder…..if we appreciate how much we are doing for each other.

See, those looking in at what the members have helped co-create will never really get the speed of light is slow compared the the speed of thought.  And the cumlative effect of the child-like exercises, [not childish], took a jump to ‘warp speed’ this week.

Flashing is drives us to new heights in self esteem, [you really are Nature’s Greatest Miracle you know 🙂 ] and warp-factor-4 speed with the Law of Growth.



The compounding effect.

Flashing drives your DMP into the frontal lobe and connects achievements with shapes, math, color while disconnecting your sense of identity from associative memory ……..and simultaneously links all that DMP & PPN stuff, the new blueprint ….to your authentic self.

Want more speed with less effort?

While flashing, when you can, use the mind gym principle.

Now most of us would not know about this nor try these things if we did not know others, who continue to share from the heart, were doing it to.

It is the loving acts of kindness and courage that help us ‘do it’ ….Flash, read with excitement….


Greatest Miracle?


Bank it baby…..it’s true.


mark januszewski

world’s lasziest networker

Categories: Personal Growth


mark januszewski, Master Key, Master Key Master Mind Alliance, World's Laziest Networker

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Mark J

About the author

Mark is considered a Trainer’s Trainer. Students from 50 states and workshops conducted as far away as Thailand and Germany fostered 54 consecutive sell-outs worldwide in less the 2 years.

Mark’s passion is helping people understand the wealth they seek already lies within them. More importantly all the directions to access and harness this power are freely available.

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