November 24


Master Key Week 9 ~ Combinations, Law of Growth & Fink’s Sweet Spot


The truth will set us free.  Ain’t it cool to know that being pegged as left-brain or right-brain learner was all a load of crap?

All those CD peddling guru’s trying to make us feel inferior…telling us we could learn to liberate our ‘submissive right side’ if we’d buy their bullshit?

The $2000 to $10,000 weekends, the books, the lectures…..the webcasts……all designed to make us feel ….less than…..stunted… we’d never reach our potential……unless we get ‘in touch’ with the right side……and to do that we’d have to ante up.

And the little tests and optical illusions they show us … help us ‘confirm’ we were sterile on the right side….”helping us” prove to ourselves there really is something wrong with us……and ‘for the low-low price of $XX I can help you become complete, put you in touch with your feelings and higher self’

Ain’t it cool to know you are NOT incomplete?  Phew, what I relief…..I was soooooooooooooo worried that I was incomplete 🙂

Like God didn’t quite finish me?

That the creator, somehow, forgot to put something in there?


As Haanel points out….and common sense endorses…..the ‘mechanism’ is perfect…..the operator may need to sharpen his/her skills to leverage this flawless mechanism, our ability to think, create and manifest what we want…..but the mechanism works perfectly.  I am the one, as The Fabulous Davene pointed out last week……I….we…..have proved this over and over…..I am the one who created the roadblocks ….I am the one who created the conditions…..and I am the one who is responsible for everything in my life.

The 7 Laws of the mind coupled with the exercises do not change the mechanism they just teach us how to use it better….to be a better operator.

My mechanism works perfectly……so does everyone elses.


Fink’s research on left brain – right brain proves both sides are needed.  The ‘sweet spot’ is hit when a brain takes a thought or data and via the corpus callosum [the thick bundle of nerve fibres that forms the main connection between the cerebral hemispheres] the two sides combine and complement one another.

Do people have a ‘preferred style’ …..left, data based…..or right, concept based…they are more receptive to gathering?  Yes.

Are we exclusively one way or the other?  No.

The ‘sweet spot’ is hit when the transferring of information, from one hemisphere to the other, is fluid and fast…..letting us leverage the incredible potential and power…..of a Master Mind…..creating a Master Mind Alliance between the 2 hemispheres if you will…..

We can facilitate this with exercise, the Law of Growth and truth.


Letting go of the myth that we are exclusively one side [L-R], or  the other….because we took the time to discover the truth that both sides are needed to unerstand and apply life’s lessons… step one.

It’s easy to ‘let go’ when you know the truth.

What do we do with this truth to manifest our desires?


9 weeks to get to 1 simple, irrefutable law…..the Law of Growth.

What we think about grows.

With all the distractions of life……old blue-prints and our celluar addiction to peptides that reinforce the old blueprint….we gotta exercise…..and in a way so different that our subconscious does not recognize….so it is easy to establish a new habit.

And it would sure help if these exercises were designed in such a manner that it they would facilitate rapid interaction between the left and right side….in other words….they were designed to hit the sweet spot…….

And it sure would help if they also ‘pinged’ the 7 ways people learn.

And it sure would be fantastic if the exercises worked equally well for both ‘preferred [L-R] processing styles.

Well, together we have.


Easy to do… the exercises in ‘combinations.’

What does that mean?

I’ll show you a few…..

We’d love to hear in the members area combinations you’ve discovered


mark januszewski

world’s laziest networker

Categories: Personal Growth


mark januszewski, Master Key, Master Key Master Mind Alliance, master key system

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Mark J

About the author

Mark is considered a Trainer’s Trainer. Students from 50 states and workshops conducted as far away as Thailand and Germany fostered 54 consecutive sell-outs worldwide in less the 2 years.

Mark’s passion is helping people understand the wealth they seek already lies within them. More importantly all the directions to access and harness this power are freely available.

  • A wise man once told me many many years ago that I was in life exactly were I choose to be. Didn’t understand him at the time, but totally get it now. Thankfully I hooked up with that wise man many years later. The incredible Mark J.
    I’m taking responsibility for my life and not backing down. This video really helped. Now need to see what I can combine. Thank you Mark

  • Hello Mark & Davene,
    Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for the video. I now am listening to the CD while walking on the ‘Tread MIll’, and will continue to do this daily.
    Be Blessed.

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