Ut-Oh, THOUGHTS THAT FIRE TOGETHER WIRE TOGETHER Week 5 is one of those ‘turn weeks’ in the course as The Fabulous Davene likes to say.  Her great post equating give birth to the course is

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Master Key Week 5 ~ Press Releases:Linking, Peptides and Pep Talks

FIRING THOUGHTS TOGETHER There is a time when each member starts to understand the confluence of the exercises has one primary purpose: to get their thoughts firing together around a new idea. For each of

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Week 4: Thoughts That Fire Together Wire Together, Here’s an Edge

EVERYONE QUIT Everyone still in the course by week 3 claims to LOVE the MKMMA course……love, love …..love it! emails…..calls……handwritten notes…… This week, Webcast 4……everyone quit. Well, not everyone…..but most everyone quit. How is that

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Master Key Week 4: I Gotta change for things to change… but… Is Change Possible?

INHIBIT THOUGHTS In week 2 we are asked to ‘inhibit’ our thoughts by Charles Haanel. Not so easy…..but take it easy folks. You’ve got a few more weeks of trying to do that while doing

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Can We Inhibit Our Thoughts?

IS IT REALLY SIMPLE? The formula? Yes. The following and execution? Yes. What is the problem if it is simple, easy to follow and easy to execute? Identity and addiction. Huh?  Addiction? THE BLUEPRINT IS

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Master Key Week 3: Ever Wonder Why We Can’t Follow Clear Directions To Succeed?